
Wednesday 8 February 2012

Solomon Islands illegal workers arrest in Queensland

News Scoop

Queensland Police and Immigration Officials have joined forced in a stinging operation that led to the arrest of a number of Solomon Islanders, who are working illegally in farms near Brisbane.
According to sources who have witnessed the arrest and the unfolding events, the workers were on their way to a farm when Immigration Officials and Police, stopped their vehicle.

Following a search of the vehicle’s occupants, Immigration Officials and Police Officers found that a number of them had overstayed their visas with no legal permit to work in Australia.
Sources alleged that the arrest could be the work of someone, who is not happy with the people concerned, and had decided to report the individuals to the authorities.
As of this evening, sources claimed that following the arrest, police and immigration officials took the individuals to a police station for questioning and later put them in custody.
Sources also confirmed that four other Solomon Islanders were also arrested early this week and subsequently deported on Tuesday back to the Solomon Islands.
Recently, some farmers and subcontractors have hired illegal workers, included students, who had left their studies. Most of them are Indians, Africans, Middle Eastern, Asians and Pacific Islanders.
Sources closed to some illegal workers, farmers and sub-contractors, in townships near Brisbane, alleged that similar operations in the past were failed because someone in the police and immigration had tip-off farmers and subcontractors before the operations.
In other cases of pure cruelty and slavery, a number of subcontractors have exploited Solomon Islanders, who are considered by farmers as hard working, by sending them to work 14 hours per day under the minimum wage in Australia.

Further details will come shortly… watch this space..

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