
Thursday, 28 November 2013

Aelanius: Niue completes talks on human rights

The Government of Niue, with support from the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, held its national consultations on human rights from 15 to 22 November 2013.

Niue is the third country to engage in national consultations with the Forum Secretariat this year, with similar consultations with Vanuatu and Palau already completed.

“The aim of these consultations is to look at how various human rights treaties have been translated at national level, and to identify some of the challenges faced in implementing human rights norms and standards,” said Mrs Gaylene Tasmania, Director of the Department of Community Affairs, Government of Niue.

“We are working with key stakeholders to see clear work plans for the implementation of human rights principles and their integration into development plans.”

The national consultations held in Niue involved many government agencies, including Crown Law, Justice, Lands and Survey, External Affairs, Education, Health, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Toga Niue, Health, Police, Treasury (including Customs and Tax divisions), Immigration, Environment, Public Works, Broadcasting Corporation of Niue, Post and Telecommunication, and Metrological Services. Church groups, civil society groups and representatives from various other community groups also participated in the consultations.

“As part of the consultations for Niue, we also considered the establishment of a Human Rights Committee that will be tasked with the responsibility of looking at Niue’s international human rights commitments and ensuring domestic implementation such as treaty ratification, reporting and implementation,” says Mrs Emi Hipa,

Niue’s Small Island States Officer of The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. “These consultations have concluded with the development of a Terms of Reference for that Committee, including an accompanying work plan in support of its international commitments.”

Human rights issues of importance to Niue include children’s rights, women’s rights and employment. New Zealand acceded to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women on 10 January 1985 and is applicable to Niue. Niue acceded to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on 19 January 1996.

Funding support for the national consultations held in Niue was provided by the European Union under the EU-PIFS Human Rights Project.

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