
Friday 25 May 2012

Mining of Bellona Island is not the answer

To my valuable readers - Welcome once again back to my blog. Over the past few months, I've been busy working on a number of media projects, but now I'm back.

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The following article was initially written as a plea to my cousin Irwin Angiki to re-consider his position as an expert key advocator of the pro-mining group on Bellona Island. For some unknown reasons, it failed to appear in the Rennell and Bellona  or Avaiki Creative Arts Forum, after I posted it yesterday.

Private Opinion

To my bro Irwin Angiki – pity to see that you've already made up your mind to be the principal advocator of the pro-mining group. Just a brief history from the memory-lane to help you better understand my disappointment. Your dad, Dykes Angiki, who is my hero, mentor and professional colleague in life, was one of the anti-mining advocators of his time. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, he joined Joses Tuhanuku and his brother David to travel back to Bellona Island to team up with other anti-miners in the island such as the late Thomas Taupongi, and his son, Francis Taupongi, late Solomon Teika and others to fight a pro-mining campaign that was sweeping through the island. To their credit, they waged a successful anti-mining campaign that was not only halted the push for mining of Bellona, but also led to the deportation of the mining investor, who was backing the idea.

During that time, Joses and his two companions, Dykes and David, who were still high school students, and only took permission from their colonial principal at KG IV and went back home to face pro-miners such as the late Temasu’u Sauhonu, late Tongaka Ngepetuha, my grand dad, Ronnie Puia, my dad, Sapa Puia Temangutau'a, and many others, who were mostly from the SDA and Ngongona village, in a number of meetings in Bellona. Interestingly, the names of the current pro-mining group are simply sons and daughters of the very people, who were strong advocators of the pro-mining group back then, with the exception of Irwin Angiki.

Now, 40 years down the track, the table has changed. Myself and Sione Tuhaika, Francis Tuimaka, Dr Kaitu’u, Dorin Kaisa’unga, Jerry Tengemoana, Stenner Tengemoana, Joyce Konofilia and many others of our two islands are against prospect mining of Bellona. The sad irony about this debate is, the proponents of prospect mining are using Irwin’s name to give credibility to their idea. It saddens me that Irwin Angiki is now the kingpin of prospect mining. I am not hesitate to say this as a caution to someone whom I’ve a lot of respect and care for his future and reputation as a young professional: I am from Ghongau clan and was born and grew up in Ngongona village of Bellona Island and I know our politics very well (Ngutuanga Bangitakungu and the Hange Ngima politics and history of indirect and direct rivalry).

Remember Irwin, your Ghongau relatives and pro-mine supporters from both ends of the island will destroy your reputation before you realise it, but it will be too late. You do not deserve to be in this position. Whatever professional and personal choices and decisions you may take or make in life and especially on this issue, our people are watching and they will be casting their judgment, not on the proponents of prospect mining on Bellona, but you, who has been their only reference of credibility. From a personal point of view, no one in Bellona will ever get rich or become a millionaire, including you, if this issue is going to progress from here. But it has the potential to destroy your professional credibility and community reputation in the eyes of our people.

This is my last contribution to this debate. But bro - just remember this; don't underestimate your silent supporters. They will be your most formidable opponents in the battle for the minds and hearts of our people about the future of prospect mining and the possibility of full-mining on Bellona. To my other blood relatives such as Wally Tesu’atai and Eric Matangi, please reconsider your position on this issue. Your reputation is worth more than the peanuts that the proposed prospect mining will yield. If you are willing to sacrifice your reputation for a lost course, just prepare yourself for a rude awakening and the reality of Ghongau politics. No amount of money would ever convince us – the anti-miners.

The stakes are high and we (anti-miners) are under no illusion that money would not play a huge part in this renew interest of prospecting Bellona.  It won’t surprise me if someone has already received money from unknown sources and financial backers and whoever falls into this trap, it will reveal.

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