
Friday 25 May 2012

Personal appeal to my cousin to quit as pro-miner

Thanks bro Don Angiki Amo for your observation. While I respect your view, I guess we can agree to disagree about the future financial benefits of prospect mining. My view about the economics, environmental and social impacts of this so called economic development is well documented so there is no point of re-visiting them. Interestingly, none of the proponents of prospect mining, including yourself, has able to cite any practical case of economic success – anywhere in Melanesia, Pacific Islands region or Solomon Islands – that derived from prospect mining,

My latest article, which this forum has refused to publish, is basically an appeal to my cousin, Irwin Angiki, to disassociate himself from the proponents of the prospect mining. I took this unusual step with the full knowledge that it will create discomfort and draw criticisms and anger from close relatives, who are part of the pro-prospect mining group. They did not ask my view in the first place, so I am not going to afford them the same opportunity.

Let me make it clear here - I am very protective of Irwin Angiki’s reputation and credibility as a young professional with respectable standing in our community (for now). I've lived long enough in Bellona and Honiara to witness how the reputation, credibility, hopes and aspirations of certain respectable individuals (educated and non-educated) in our community were damaged, when they associated with questionable characters – Tongahiti, Kebo or otherwise.

With Irwin short career in the industry, his involvement with individuals, who are known for their past controversial dealings in leadership positions, national and provincial elections, management of community and church groups, sporting clubs and tournaments etc, is a huge concern for me.

Bro, Don, I am not going to apologise for being aggressively pursuing and persuading Irwin to quit associating with the pro-mining group, because allowing himself and his expertise to be a front man for this group has the potential to damage his reputation forever. I don’t want Irwin to be known in our history as a conman, gold digger, opportunist, crook, etc. He has the rights to choose his mates and associates, but while there is time, I am going to openly ask him to opt out of this committee.

In the future, I don’t want us to pitch against each other in any future debate about this issue. If the proponents of prospect mining are serious about their claim that this venture will bring economic success to our disadvantaged community - can anyone tell me how many millionaires or wealthy individuals in Rennell Island, following the completion of prospect mining in the 1970s? If you guys can simply tell me one single person, then I am ready to throw in the towel or else…..

Te article kuhe’e publish ete forum nei, I’ll publish it in my blog.
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